Genvia and Airbus partnership aims to model and quantify the technical and commercial advantages of Genvia’s solid oxide electrolyser technology for the production of low carbon synthetic Sustainable Aviation Fuel (“eSAF”). Several production pathway architectures will be evaluated using either hydrogen production with Solid Oxide Electrolyzer Cells (SOEC) or syngas production with co-SOEC, combined with various CO2 sourcing alternatives. The maturity of the technology components along the production value chain will also be evaluated in the study.
The initial concept study will be conducted in the first half of 2024 with the financial support of the region Occitanie’s Innovation Projects program. Committed to facilitate connections between Genvia and major companies and local industries, the Occitanie Region actively participated in the collaboration with Airbus.
Following the study, the partners with jointly explore opportunities to develop an e-kerosene pilot plant project located in the Occitanie region of France.
- The Solid Oxide technology is the technology of choice for the production of low carbon hydrogen and syngas to be transformed into e-kerosene, thanks to its significantly higher electrical efficiency when paired with an external source of heat such as the by-product heat from the eSAF synthesis process.
- The aviation sector is committed to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
- SAF can reduce lifecycle CO2 emissions by up to 80% compared to conventional fuel.
- All Airbus aircraft and helicopters are capable of flying with up to a 50% blend of SAF. AIrbus’ goal is to enable 100% SAF capability by 2030 for commercial and military aircraft and for helicopters.
- According to IATA’s analysis in their Net Zero Roadmaps report, the aviation sector could require close to 100Mt of hydrogen by 2050 to be used primarily for SAF production.
- Specifically within Europe and considering RefuelEU Aviation regulation, the demand for Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) should increase considerably in the coming years, rising from 20% of SAF in 2035 to 70% in 2050 with minimum 35% share of synthetic fuels.
About Airbus
Airbus pioneers sustainable aerospace for a safe and united world. The Company constantly innovates to provide efficient and technologically-advanced solutions in aerospace, defence, and connected services. In commercial aircraft, Airbus designs and manufactures modern and fuel-efficient airliners and associated services. Airbus is also a European leader in space systems, defence and security. In helicopters, Airbus provides efficient civil and military rotorcraft solutions and services worldwide.